Source code for braket.ocean_plugin.braket_sampler

# Copyright Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"
# ). You
# may not use this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of
# the License is located at
# or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is
# ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific
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from __future__ import annotations

import copy
from collections import defaultdict
from functools import lru_cache
from logging import Logger, getLogger
from typing import Any, Dict, FrozenSet, List, Set, Tuple, Union

import jsonref
from boltons.dictutils import FrozenDict
from braket.annealing.problem import Problem, ProblemType
from import AwsDevice, AwsSession
from braket.tasks import AnnealingQuantumTaskResult, QuantumTask
from dimod import BINARY, SPIN, Sampler, SampleSet, Structured
from dimod.exceptions import BinaryQuadraticModelStructureError

from braket.ocean_plugin.braket_solver_metadata import BraketSolverMetadata

from ._version import __version__

[docs]class BraketSampler(Sampler, Structured): """ A class for using Amazon Braket as a sampler Args: s3_destination_folder (AwsSession.S3DestinationFolder): NamedTuple with bucket (index 0) and key (index 1) that is the results destination folder in S3. device_arn (str): AWS quantum device arn. aws_session (AwsSession): AwsSession to call AWS with. logger (Logger): Python Logger object with which to write logs, such as `QuantumTask` statuses while polling for task to complete. Default is `getLogger(__name__)` Examples: >>> from braket.ocean_plugin import BraketSampler >>> s3_destination_folder = ('test_bucket', 'test_folder') >>> sampler = BraketSampler(s3_destination_folder, "device_arn_1") """ def __init__( self, s3_destination_folder: AwsSession.S3DestinationFolder = None, device_arn: str = None, aws_session: AwsSession = None, logger: Logger = getLogger(__name__), ): if not device_arn: try: device_arn = AwsDevice.get_devices( provider_names=["D-Wave Systems"], statuses=["ONLINE"] )[0].arn except IndexError: raise RuntimeError("No D-Wave devices online") self._s3_destination_folder = s3_destination_folder self._device_arn = device_arn self._logger = logger self.solver = AwsDevice(device_arn, aws_session) user_agent = f"BraketOceanPlugin/{__version__}" self.solver.aws_session.add_braket_user_agent(user_agent) @property @lru_cache(maxsize=1) def properties(self) -> FrozenDict[str, Any]: """ FrozenDict[str, Any]: Solver properties in Braket boto3 response format Please see `braket.device_schema` in amazon-braket-schemas-python_ for the key names of properties for a device. Solver properties are dependent on the selected solver and subject to change; for example, new released features may add properties. .. _amazon-braket-schemas-python: """ mapping_dict = BraketSolverMetadata.get_metadata_by_arn(self._device_arn)["properties"] return_dict = {} for top_level_key in mapping_dict: solver_dict = getattr(, top_level_key).dict() for key in mapping_dict[top_level_key]: return_dict[key] = copy.deepcopy(solver_dict[key]) return FrozenDict(return_dict) @property @lru_cache(maxsize=1) def parameters(self) -> FrozenDict[str, List]: """ FrozenDict[str, List]: Solver parameters in the form of a dict, where keys are keyword parameters in Braket format and values are lists of properties in :attr:`` for each key. Please see `braket.device_schema` in amazon-braket-schemas-python_ for the key names of parameters for a device. Solver parameters are dependent on the selected solver and subject to change; for example, new released features may add parameters. .. _amazon-braket-schemas-python: """ dereffed = jsonref.loads(jsonref.dumps( device_level_parameters = dereffed["properties"]["deviceLevelParameters"]["properties"] return FrozenDict( { param: ["parameters"] for param in BraketSolverMetadata.get_metadata_by_arn(self._device_arn)[ "parameters" ].values() if param in device_level_parameters or param == "shots" } ) @property @lru_cache(maxsize=1) def nodelist(self) -> Tuple[int]: """Tuple[int]: Tuple of active qubits for the solver.""" return tuple(sorted(self._access_optimized_nodelist())) @property @lru_cache(maxsize=1) def edgelist(self) -> Tuple[Tuple[int, int]]: """Tuple[Tuple[int, int]]: Tuple of active couplers for the solver.""" return tuple( sorted(set((u, v) if u < v else (v, u) for u, v in["couplers"])) ) @lru_cache(maxsize=1) def _access_optimized_nodelist(self) -> FrozenSet[int]: """FrozenSet[int]: FrozenSet of active qubits for the solver. Returning a frozen set allows for near constant existence checks. """ return frozenset(["qubits"]) @lru_cache(maxsize=1) def _access_optimized_edgelist(self) -> FrozenDict[int, FrozenSet[int]]: """FrozenDict[int, FrozenSet[int]]: FrozenDict of active couplers for the solver. Returning a frozen dict allows for near constant existence checks. """ edges = defaultdict(set) for (u, v) in["couplers"]: edges[u].add(v) edges[u] = frozenset(edges[u]) return FrozenDict(edges)
[docs] def sample_ising( self, h: Union[Dict[int, float], List[float]], J: Dict[Tuple[int, int], float], **kwargs ) -> SampleSet: """ Sample from the specified Ising model. Args: h (dict/list): Linear biases of the Ising model. If a dict, should be of the form `{v: bias, ...}` where `v` is a spin-valued variable and `bias` is its associated bias. If a list, it is treated as a list of biases where the indices are the variable labels, except in the case of missing qubits in which case 0 biases are ignored while a non-zero bias set on a missing qubit raises an error. J (dict[(int, int): float]): Quadratic biases of the Ising model. **kwargs: Optional keyword arguments for the sampling method in Braket boto3 format Returns: :class:`dimod.SampleSet`: A `dimod` :obj:`~dimod.SampleSet` object. Raises: BinaryQuadraticModelStructureError: If problem graph is incompatible with solver ValueError: If keyword argument is unsupported by solver Examples: This example submits a two-variable Ising problem mapped directly to qubits 0 and 1 on a D-Wave 2000Q device. >>> from braket.ocean_plugin import BraketSampler >>> device_arn_1 = "arn:aws:braket:::device/qpu/d-wave/DW_2000Q_6" >>> sampler = BraketSampler(device_arn_1) >>> h = {0: -1, 1: 1} >>> sampleset = sampler.sample_ising(h, {}, resultFormat="HISTOGRAM") >>> for sample in sampleset.samples(): ... print(sample) ... {0: 1, 1: -1} This example submits a two-variable Ising problem mapped directly to qubits 0 and 1 on a D-Wave Advantage4 device. >>> from braket.ocean_plugin import BraketSampler >>> device_arn_1 = "arn:aws:braket:::device/qpu/d-wave/Advantage_system4" >>> sampler = BraketSampler(device_arn_1) >>> h = {30: -1, 31: 1} >>> sampleset = sampler.sample_ising(h, {}, resultFormat="HISTOGRAM") >>> for sample in sampleset.samples(): ... print(sample) ... {30: 1, 31: -1} """ if isinstance(h, list): h = dict((v, b) for v, b in enumerate(h) if b or v in self._access_optimized_nodelist()) aws_task = self.sample_ising_quantum_task(h, J, **kwargs) variables = set(h).union(*J) return BraketSampler.get_task_sample_set(aws_task, variables)
[docs] def sample_ising_quantum_task( self, h: Union[Dict[int, float], List[float]], J: Dict[Tuple[int, int], float], **kwargs ) -> QuantumTask: """ Sample from the specified Ising model and return a `QuantumTask`. This has the same inputs as `BraketSampler.sample_ising`. Args: h (dict/list): Linear biases of the Ising model. If a dict, should be of the form `{v: bias, ...}` where `v` is a spin-valued variable and `bias` is its associated bias. If a list, it is treated as a list of biases where the indices are the variable labels, except in the case of missing qubits in which case 0 biases are ignored while a non-zero bias set on a missing qubit raises an error. J (dict[(int, int): float]): Quadratic biases of the Ising model. **kwargs: Optional keyword arguments for the sampling method in Braket boto3 format Returns: :class:`dimod.SampleSet`: A `dimod` :obj:`~dimod.SampleSet` object. Raises: BinaryQuadraticModelStructureError: If problem graph is incompatible with solver ValueError: If keyword argument is unsupported by solver Examples: This example submits a two-variable Ising problem mapped directly to qubits 0 and 1 on a D-Wave 2000Q device. >>> from braket.ocean_plugin import BraketSampler >>> device_arn_1 = "arn:aws:braket:::device/qpu/d-wave/DW_2000Q_6" >>> sampler = BraketSampler(device_arn_1) >>> Q = {0: 1, 1: 1} >>> task = sampler.sample_ising_quantum_task(Q, {}, resultFormat="HISTOGRAM") >>> sampleset = BraketSampler.get_task_sample_set(task) >>> for sample in sampleset.samples(): ... print(sample) ... {0: 1, 1: -1} This example submits a two-variable Ising problem mapped directly to qubits 0 and 1 on a D-Wave Advantage4 device. >>> from braket.ocean_plugin import BraketSampler >>> device_arn_1 = "arn:aws:braket:::device/qpu/d-wave/Advantage_system4" >>> sampler = BraketSampler(device_arn_1) >>> Q = {30: 1, 31: 1} >>> task = sampler.sample_ising_quantum_task(Q, {}, resultFormat="HISTOGRAM") >>> sampleset = BraketSampler.get_task_sample_set(task) >>> for sample in sampleset.samples(): ... print(sample) ... {30: 1, 31: -1} """ solver_kwargs = self._process_solver_kwargs(**kwargs) if isinstance(h, list): h = dict((v, b) for v, b in enumerate(h) if b or v in self._access_optimized_nodelist()) sorted_edges = frozenset((u, v) if u < v else (v, u) for u, v in J) if not ( all(v in self._access_optimized_nodelist() for v in h) and all(v in self._access_optimized_edgelist().get(u, ()) for u, v in sorted_edges) ): raise BinaryQuadraticModelStructureError("Problem graph incompatible with solver.") return Problem(ProblemType.ISING, h, J), self._s3_destination_folder, logger=self._logger, **solver_kwargs, )
[docs] def sample_qubo(self, Q: Dict[Tuple[int, int], float], **kwargs) -> SampleSet: """ Sample from the specified QUBO. Args: Q (dict): Coefficients of a quadratic unconstrained binary optimization (QUBO) model. **kwargs: Optional keyword arguments for the sampling method in Braket boto3 format Returns: :class:`dimod.SampleSet`: A `dimod` :obj:`~dimod.SampleSet` object. Raises: BinaryQuadraticModelStructureError: If problem graph is incompatible with solver ValueError: If keyword argument is unsupported by solver Examples: This example submits a two-variable QUBO mapped directly to qubits 0 and 4 on a sampler on the D-Wave 2000Q device. >>> from braket.ocean_plugin import BraketSampler >>> device_arn_1 = "arn:aws:braket:::device/qpu/d-wave/DW_2000Q_6" >>> sampler = BraketSampler(device_arn_1) >>> Q = {(0, 0): -1, (4, 4): -1, (0, 4): 2} >>> sampleset = sampler.sample_qubo(Q, postprocessingType="SAMPLING", shots=100) >>> for sample in sampleset.samples(): ... print(sample) ... {0: 0, 4: 1} {0: 1, 4: 0} This example submits a two-variable QUBO mapped directly to qubits 30 and 31 on a sampler on the D-Wave Advantage4 device. >>> from braket.ocean_plugin import BraketSampler >>> device_arn_1 = "arn:aws:braket:::device/qpu/d-wave/Advantage_system4" >>> sampler = BraketSampler(device_arn_1) >>> Q = {(30, 30): -1, (31, 31): -1, (30, 31): 2} >>> sampleset = sampler.sample_qubo(Q, shots=100) >>> for sample in sampleset.samples(): ... print(sample) ... {30: 0, 31: 1} {30: 1, 31: 0} """ aws_task = self.sample_qubo_quantum_task(Q, **kwargs) variables = set().union(*Q) return BraketSampler.get_task_sample_set(aws_task, variables)
[docs] def sample_qubo_quantum_task(self, Q: Dict[Tuple[int, int], float], **kwargs) -> QuantumTask: """ Sample from the specified QUBO and return a `QuantumTask`. This has the same inputs as `BraketSampler.sample_qubo` Args: Q (dict): Coefficients of a quadratic unconstrained binary optimization (QUBO) model. **kwargs: Optional keyword arguments for the sampling method in Braket boto3 format Returns: :class:`dimod.SampleSet`: A `dimod` :obj:`~dimod.SampleSet` object. Raises: BinaryQuadraticModelStructureError: If problem graph is incompatible with solver ValueError: If keyword argument is unsupported by solver Examples: This example submits a two-variable QUBO mapped directly to qubits 0 and 4 on a sampler on the D-Wave 2000Q device. >>> from braket.ocean_plugin import BraketSampler >>> device_arn_1 = "arn:aws:braket:::device/qpu/d-wave/DW_2000Q_6" >>> sampler = BraketSampler(device_arn_1) >>> Q = {(0, 0): -1, (4, 4): -1, (0, 4): 2} >>> task = sampler.sample_qubo_quantum_task(Q, resultFormat="HISTOGRAM", shots=100) >>> sampleset = BraketSampler.get_task_sample_set(task) >>> for sample in sampleset.samples(): ... print(sample) ... {0: 0, 4: 1} {0: 1, 4: 0} This example submits a two-variable QUBO mapped directly to qubits 30 and 31 on a sampler on the D-Wave Advantage4 device. >>> from braket.ocean_plugin import BraketSampler >>> device_arn_1 = "arn:aws:braket:::device/qpu/d-wave/Advantage_system4" >>> sampler = BraketSampler(device_arn_1) >>> Q = {(30, 30): -1, (31, 31): -1, (30, 31): 2} >>> task = sampler.sample_qubo_quantum_task(Q, resultFormat="HISTOGRAM", shots=100) >>> sampleset = BraketSampler.get_task_sample_set(task) >>> for sample in sampleset.samples(): ... print(sample) ... {30: 0, 31: 1} {30: 1, 31: 0} """ solver_kwargs = self._process_solver_kwargs(**kwargs) sorted_edges = frozenset((u, v) if u < v else (v, u) for u, v in Q) for u, v in sorted_edges: if u not in self._access_optimized_nodelist(): raise BinaryQuadraticModelStructureError( "Problem graph incompatible with solver. Qubit " + str(u) + " is not in the device's qubit set." ) if v not in self._access_optimized_edgelist().get(u, ()) and u != v: raise BinaryQuadraticModelStructureError( "Problem graph incompatible with solver. Solver nodes " + str(u) + " and " + str(v) + " are not connected." ) linear = {} quadratic = {} for (u, v), bias in Q.items(): if u == v: linear[u] = bias else: quadratic[(u, v)] = bias return Problem(ProblemType.QUBO, linear, quadratic), self._s3_destination_folder, logger=self._logger, **solver_kwargs, )
[docs] @staticmethod def get_task_sample_set(task: QuantumTask, variables: Set[int] = None) -> SampleSet: """ Get SampleSet from an `QuantumTask` object Args: task (QuantumTask): task from which to get `SampleSet` variables (Set[int], optional): variables for samples in `SampleSet`. The default is the set of active variables for D-Wave. If there are no active variables marked as part of the task result, the default is `list(range(result.variable_count))`. Returns: :class:`dimod.SampleSet`: A `dimod` :obj:`~dimod.SampleSet` object. Examples: >>> from braket.ocean_plugin import BraketSampler >>> from import AwsQuantumTask >>> sample_set = sampler.get_task_sample_set(AwsQuantumTask(arn="your_arn")) """ hook = BraketSampler._result_to_response_hook(variables) return SampleSet.from_future(task, hook)
def _process_solver_kwargs(self, **kwargs) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Process kwargs to be compatible as kwargs for the solver. Args: **kwargs: Optional keyword arguments for sampling method Return: Dict[str, Any]: a dict of kwargs to the solver """ self._check_kwargs_solver(**kwargs) return self._create_solver_kwargs(**kwargs) def _check_kwargs_solver(self, **kwargs): """ Check if kwargs are supported by solver Args: **kwargs: Optional keyword arguments for sampling method Raises: ValueError: If key word argument is unsupported by solver """ for parameter in kwargs: if parameter not in self.parameters: raise ValueError(f"Parameter {parameter} not supported") def _create_solver_kwargs(self, **kwargs): """ Transform **kwargs to create a dict of kwargs to the solver. Args: **kwargs: Optional keyword arguments for sampling method Return: Dict[str, Any]: a dict of kwargs to the solver """ key_name = BraketSolverMetadata.get_metadata_by_arn(self._device_arn)[ "device_parameters_key_name" ] solver_kwargs = {"device_parameters": {key_name: kwargs}} if "shots" in kwargs: shots = kwargs["shots"] del kwargs["shots"] solver_kwargs.update({"shots": shots}) return solver_kwargs @staticmethod def _result_to_response_hook(variables: Set[int] = None): def _hook(computation): result: AnnealingQuantumTaskResult = computation.result() # get the samples. The future will return all spins so filter for the ones in variables vars = BraketSampler._vars_from_variables(result, variables) samples = [sample for sample in result.record_array.solution] energy = result.record_array.value num_occurrences = result.record_array.solution_count info = { "taskMetadata": result.task_metadata.dict(), "additionalMetadata": result.additional_metadata.dict(), } vartype = BraketSampler._vartype_from_problem_type(result.problem_type) return SampleSet.from_samples( (samples, vars), info=info, vartype=vartype, energy=energy, num_occurrences=num_occurrences, sort_labels=True, ) return _hook @staticmethod def _vars_from_variables( result: AnnealingQuantumTaskResult, variables: Set[int] = None ) -> Tuple[int]: dwave_metadata = result.additional_metadata.dwaveMetadata if dwave_metadata and dwave_metadata.activeVariables: return tuple(dwave_metadata.activeVariables) if variables: return tuple(sorted(variables)) return tuple(range(result.variable_count)) @staticmethod def _vartype_from_problem_type(problem_type: str) -> Union[SPIN, BINARY]: if problem_type == ProblemType.QUBO: return BINARY else: return SPIN